Get out of your own way with the Choice Point Framework

You’ve been trying to make changes in your life for a while — a promotion, better relationships, clarity in your next step.  

And yet you find yourself in the same pattern ... again. 

You’ve worked hard but feel like you’re just not moving the needle far enough or fast enough — and you can’t figure out why.

If you’re being honest, you’re tired of hitting your head against a wall. You wonder what the #*@% is wrong with other people. 

My friend, I see you.

To grow and shift your patterns, you have to be willing to get out of your own way and understand the bigger dynamic at play.

We move through the world believing we will arrive at an illusory destination where we’ll be happy, successful, rich, content, confident, satisfied. What if you’re already there — and just don’t know it? 

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It’s estimated that we make 35,000 choices a day. (And no, I don’t mean “decisions.” The word “decision” stems from a Latin word that means “to cut off” and implies finality. “Choice” comes from French and Germanic words that mean “to recognize, perceive, distinguish.”)

There is agility in choice. There is freedom in choice. If one choice didn’t work – make another.

Life is a series of choice points, and in those choices you find your freedom

Choice Point is my signature framework that helps you create greater agility in communication and decision-making from the inside out.

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The Choice Point Framework

Hi, I’m Jenn Kaye. (You probably know that already since you’re on my site — and I’m so glad you’re here!) I work with you to create a custom playbook that helps you communicate clearly, make choices with confidence, and create your own path for success and fulfillment.

Using my Choice Point Framework, I help you create a custom blueprint that aligns your confidence and presence with your choices so you can communicate with greater influence. 

When you know how to access your own inner resilience and wisdom, you have a greater ability to self-regulate, self-diagnose, and self-manage.

What does that really mean?

  • People piss you off less ----> You feel calmer

  • You’re less reactive -----> You know what questions to ask and how to respond 

  • You can access your place of calm, clarity, confidence, and certainty faster

  • You’re able to be truly present which is where you make your choice-making power lies

The Choice Point Philosophy

We are taught that there is right or wrong, good or bad, black or white. 

The truth is, there’s a whole lot of gray and color and context in between those polarities. And that in-between is where we navigate most of our choices. We have an abundance of choices and more control over them than we even know.

We must stop seeking external validation from other people, your paycheck, or policies. The moment we blame others for our experience, we give them power. 

The moment we make it about “them” versus what it is inside us that we need to understand, we have abdicated our choice by putting our happiness, validation, and voice in the hands of someone else.

When you abdicate your voice, you abdicate your choice.

Being aware of the choices you make and why you make them gives you freedom from the either/or mindset and allows you to embrace the “and” of multiple possibilities and create a defined path forward.

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How it Works

With the Choice Point Experience, we evaluate your current path and choices and make adjustments for what you want. 

Every goal, every value, every choice, is based on your personal identification of when you’re at your best and what is most meaningful to you.

This is a lifetime journey of daily practices. I would be honored to be your guide and help you find the clarity you need to find your freedom.

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Our four-month engagement consists of:


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Goals & Objectives
Map out your desired destination and establish our partnership.


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Unleash Your Strengths
Jumpstart your journey using a StandOut Assessment to identify your comparative advantage and clarify your unique strengths 


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Discover & Define Your Core Values
Identify your core values and define what each one means to you so you know how to to use them for everyday decision-making.


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Alignment & Action Plan
Create a personalized action plan that integrates your strengths and values so you have concrete steps to meet your goals and objectives.

What’s Included

  • 60 Min Kickoff Assessment Call 

  • 4 60-min sessions

  • 4 90-min Values

  • Stand Out Strengths Assessment

  • Stand Out Strengths Debrief

  • Values Assessment

  • Email access/ Voxer 

  • Your Custom Choice Point Playbook - As we explore this adventure together, you will log your experiences and discoveries in a custom playbook that acts as a quick reference resource. Your playbook ensures you can replicate and traverse your ongoing path on your own. It will serve as the living artifact of your navigational points as you continue forward as your own north star

Being present in any moment, every moment, allows us to choose whether to react or respond.

Please note: Space is limited. 
Due to the depth of my commitment to my clients in this experience, there are only 2 private client spots available per quarter.