Hi, I’m Jenn Kaye.
I’m a word geek, cultural anthropologist, ego wrangler, over-thinker, dog lover, benevolent challenger and never-ending seeker of what moves people to action.
In the past 20 years of living abroad, building a business, and coaching executives, engineers, leaders, teams, and entrepreneurs I’ve discovered some common themes:
Communication starts from the inside out
Just because we’re exchanging words doesn’t mean communication has occurred
Most people are making choices based on the wrong conversations
Getting the clarity, let alone the results you want, can feel time-consuming, frustrating, and fatiguing — until you get to the right conversation.
Born to parents with completely different communication styles, I learned early on how people can be speaking the same language, yet have their message get completely lost in translation. That learning deepened and became even more clear as I went on to learn actual languages, including Japanese, Russian, French, and Spanish.
When you learn a language, you learn the history, culture, beliefs and nuances of that language. While languages may have similarities, no two languages are the same. Similarly, no two people communicate, lead, or make choices in exactly the same way. They have their own history, culture and nuances.
It’s my job to help you navigate that so that if:
You wake up in the middle of the night questioning yourself or what you could have said differently ...
You’re tired of feeling like you’ve been saying the same thing over and over, and still aren’t feeling heard ...
You know you have untapped potential and want to love the work you do ...
I can help.
I love solving the Rubik’s cube that is human communication and take a systematic approach to help you identify your authentic voice and inner authority so that you can say what you really mean to the right people for optimum results.
Let’s be honest: Some days you may wonder if it’s all really worth it. If you’re living your purpose or making a difference.
It is. And you are.
It doesn’t matter where you are in your life. You’re not too late, because life is simply a series of choice points. You can activate your inner joy every day. You can trust in yourself, and you already have everything you need to make choices that give you more courage and confidence.
Thank you for taking the time to connect with me.
From the heart,
Jenn Kaye